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  • 100 x Splicing Tapes

    100 x Splicing Tapes

    These pre-perforated splicing tapes can be used with most super8 TAPE splicer.To be more precise, they should fit any tape splicer that uses pre-perforated tape-bits. The most common brands of tape splicers are Haehnel, Agfa,...


  • 120m / 400ft S8 Take-up reel

    120m / 400ft S8 Take-up reel

    This is the standard size for take-up reels and will fit any Super8 projector. Certain sound projectors can accept larger reels (180 or even 240m)

    €14.99 - €35.00

  • 12V 100W Halogen bulb

    12V 100W Halogen bulb

    This bulb will fit most super8 film projectors. Usually, it is possible to check the wattage of the lamp required at the back of the projector, or sometimes directly next to the bulb.


  • 180m / 600ft S8 Take-up reel

    180m / 600ft S8 Take-up reel

    This is the standard size for sound projectors take-up reels.


  • 50ft S8 Take-up reel

    50ft S8 Take-up reel

    This is the smallest type of super8 reel. Any processed film that hasn’t been spliced onto a bigger reel will be the same size.


  • 6V 10W film viewer bulb

    6V 10W film viewer bulb

    This bulb will fit most super8 film viewers / editors. Note: Film viewers and film projectors are different types of devices. On a viewer, the film is wound up manually and the images are displayed...


  • 8V 50W projector bulb

    8V 50W projector bulb

    This bulb will fit older super8 film projectors. It is the second most common bulb type.


  • Agfa Automatic S8 Tape Splicer - EASY TO USE

    Agfa Automatic S8 Tape Splicer - EASY TO USE

    This splicer is incredibly easy to use and produces great results.It uses standard splicing tape bits by Agfa, which can be got from our store (not included). It is the most automated splicer available. Our...


  • Canon Interval Timer

    Canon Interval Timer

    This rare accessory allows you to do time lapse photography with any of the Canon 518, 814 and 1014 series.


  • Canon Remote Control

    Canon Remote Control

    This electronic release cable is designed for Canon super8 cameras that have an electronic remote plug. This applies for instance to the Canon 518 SV, 814 Electronic, 814XL, 1014 Auto Zoom, 814 and 1014XLS and...


  • Catozzo/Arri splicer with sound cutter

    Catozzo/Arri splicer with sound cutter

    With gilded traces of spray painting. Comes with good roll of tape


  • Film Cement

    Film Cement

    This film cement (glue) can be used with any cement (glue) splicer.


  • Kodak Ektachrome 100D Colour - Daylight Limited Quantities

    Kodak Ektachrome 100D Colour - Daylight Limited Quantities

    NOTE: We only have very limited supplies of this wonderful filmstock Colour – Silent Daylight balanced: 100 ASA (Rated at 25asa in tungsten=artificial light when used with an 80a filter) This colour S8 filmstock is...


  • Kodak Tri-X B&W - Tungsten

    Kodak Tri-X B&W - Tungsten

    Please contact for film orders. Stock availableBlack & White – Silent 50ft Tungsten balanced: 160 ASA This black & white S8 filmstock is balanced for ARTIFICIAL (tungsten) light. For daylight, we recommend Kodak Plus-X,...

    €45.00 - €85.00

  • Remote Control

    Remote Control

    This electronic release cable should work with any camera that has an electronic remote plug (as opposed to older screw-on release cables).


  • Revue S8 Semi automated tape splicer

    Revue S8 Semi automated tape splicer

    This Super8 splicer is a standard semi automated splicer.It uses standard splicing tape bits by Agfa, which can be got from our store (not included).It is a good entry level splicer for beginners. Also look...


  • S8 + N8 Cement Splicer by Marguet

    S8 + N8 Cement Splicer by Marguet

    This splicer allows you to works BOTH with Super8 and Normal8It uses special film cement (glue), which can be got from our store (not included).


  • S8 Motorized Cement Splicer

    S8 Motorized Cement Splicer

    This Super8 splicer is fairly unusual in that it is motorized.It uses special film cement (glue), which can be got from our store (not included). lease note this splicer is for Super8 films.If you have...


  • Vision 200NT Negative Colour

    Vision 200NT Negative Colour

    Please contact for film orders. Stock availableColour – SilentTungsten balanced: 200 ASA WILL BE AUTO EXPOSED IN ALL FILM CAMERASKodak’s main negative super8 stock. Designed to be transfered digitally.This colour S8 filmstock is not reversal but...

    €45.00 - €85.00

  • Vision 500NT Negative Colour

    Vision 500NT Negative Colour

    Please contact for film orders. Stock availableColour – Silent Daylight balanced: 500 ASA PERFECT FOR LOW LIGHT SHOOTING Kodak’s main negative super8 stock. Designed to be transfered digitally. This colour S8 filmstock is not...

    €45.00 - €85.00